Precocious puberty presents commonly in pediatric practice due to different causes including adrenal tumors. Adrenocortical tumors are rare in children, characterized by androgenic hormonal excess causing pseudoprecocious puberty. We present a 4-year-old boy, with history of penile enlargement, associated with growth of pubic hair, facial acne, and advanced bone age by 3 years. His hormonal assays were confirming diagnosis of Pseudoprecocious puberty. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging revealed a right-sided retroperitoneal well-defined adrenal tumor. This case report emphasizes the aim to increase the awareness of adrenocortical tumor as a rare cause of pseudoprecocious puberty in young children.
Author(s): Shahd E Kafi1, Eid Abdulmoein Al-Agha1*, Mohamed Abdel-Maksoud Shazly2, Abdulmoein E AlAgha3
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