We would like to thank all our Organizing Committee Members, Keynote Speakers, Speakers, Delegates, students, Associations, Media partners, Exhibitors and guests for making Neonatal care 2020 a successful event. AAC hosted the event of ?International Conference on Paediatrics and Neonatal Care held during July14, 2020 which is scheduled as a Webinar event?. Talks and discussion focused on the theme ? Enhance the value of Paediatrics, Neonatal Care: Hope of the future ? and it absolutely was an astonishing success wherever outstanding keynote speakers from totally different likely associations and universities created their good distance and cared-for the assemblage. AAC may wish to experience a dear appreciation to the Session Chairs/ Co-Chairs and Session Speakers World Health Organization created this meeting additional valuable and effective to the Researchers, Educators, Investigate Researchers and Delegates from health care elements met there.
Author(s): Marcos Roberto Tovani Palone
Abstract |
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